橙县国际医院 (Orange County Global Medical Center) ,又名橙县国际医疗中心。橙县国际医院是美国本地白人产妇喜爱的医院,也被称为尔湾医院性价比之王。
橙县国际医院的医护人员在处理临床并发症上,有着杰出的贡献,53.8%的孕妈妈临床并发症风险得到了抑制和降低。最后,小艾提醒孕妈们一定要分清橙县国际医院 (Orange County Global Medical Center) 和橙县海岸纪念医院(Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center),两者可不一样哦。想要了解更多赴美生子医院信心戳这里:Ada出生在美国良心测评之赴美生子医院篇
For over a century, Orange County Global Medical Center has provided the local Orange County community with dependable, innovative, and compassionate health care services. Our 282-bed facility offers exquisitely advanced medical technology, as well as provides patients with the highest caliber of health care providers, hand-picked to serve each and every person.
Our physicians, nurses, and staff members come from a wide range of backgrounds and expertise, providing unique lenses that collectively focus on the medical and cultural needs of our community members.
As our facility grows and becomes more technologically advanced, Orange County Global Medical Center remains committed to providing a sense of community and personalized care to each patient.
Our services are delivered in a family-oriented environment, with medical teams led by physicians that truly care about our community members. With more than 1,500 highly-trained physicians, nurses, and hospital staff, we make sure that each patient has a dedicated team that provides them the highest quality of care.
Our hospital takes great pride in the excellent care we provide, the wide array of services we offer, and the high-level of expertise and compassion our physicians, nurses and hospital staff deliver to each and every person that steps through our doors.
As the community’s healthcare needs continue to grow, Orange County Global Medical Center supports and maintains a full range of specialty services that serve both inpatients and outpatients, as well as their families.
弗格尼医生(Dr. Michael Forghani ,M.D.):橙县国际医院妇产科主任,临床经验丰富,擅长剖腹产缝合+顺产后会阴撕裂/侧切/直切缝合。弗格尼医生为人谦和,谨慎,对待病人也非常耐心。弗格尼医生 24 小时待命接产,每个月只限量接受 20 位中国妈妈,最大程度地保障了孕妈妈的安全和孕产品质。
橙县国际医院 (Orange County Global Medical Center)
园林医院(Garden Grove Hospital and Medical Center)
艾伦医生(Dr. Allan Akerman, M.D.):从2000年开始行医至今超过18年的临床经验,至今服务超过8000名产妇,现担任圣约瑟夫医院的妇产科主席。产检亲力亲为,熟知每位患者的身体状况,24小时入院接诊。他是剖后顺的专家,主刀的剖腹产刀口无痕美容,创口细微,特有的疤痕修复技术,可以在剖腹产的同时,对前次手术遗留疤痕进行美化处理,淡化印记,同时可切除部分增生疤痕,注射药物防止再生。
霍格医院(Hoag Hospital Newport Beach and Medical Center)
橙县国际医院 (Orange County Global Medical Center)
阿力医生(Dr. Ali R. Hamzeh, M.D.):美国妇产科医学博士,美国妇产医学委员会认证的妇产科专家医生资格。南海岸医院妇产科主席,尔湾妇幼保健中心主任。拥有丰富的临床经验,同时在南海岸医院任妇产科主席,被评选为美国海岸医院最卓越医生,美国加州大学尔湾分校医学院教育卓越医生。
园林医院(Garden Grove Hospital and Medical Center)
芳泉谷医院(Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center)
顺 产:9000
产房:13间单人间产房,30间产后恢复健康护理房,?NICU 3 级+ Laborist 24小时住院产科医生
电话:(714) 953-3500
地址:1001 N Tustin Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705