毛勒医生(Dr. Yonatan Mahller, M.D.)美国妇产科医生,医学博士,美国妇产科委员会(ABOG)的认证。
毛勒医生在圣塔芭芭拉大学(UCSB)获得了生理学学士学位和分子生物学硕士学位。然后,他在辛辛那提大学医学院,完成了他的双学位课程(MD/Ph.D.),并获得了博士学位。并在洛杉矶著名的 Cedars Sinai医疗中心完成了妇产科住院医生项目。
毛勒医生为所有年龄段的女性提供专业的妇产科治疗和妇科护理。患者可以在他位于加利福尼亚州 newport beach的办公室获得全方位的服务,照顾低风险和高风险的怀孕,受孕前和不孕症咨询以及更年期治疗。
毛勒医生将优秀的外科手术训练与尖端技术相结合,包括 Monalisa Ttouch激光治疗与绝经和尿失禁相关的阴道不适。
Dr. Yonatan Mahller was raised in Southern California and obtained a Bachelors of Science and a Masters of Science degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He then obtained a PhD in Developmental Biology and a medical degree from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
Dr. Mahller then completed residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the prestigious Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Throughout his training, Dr. Mahller has published over 15 peer reviewed articles. After training, Dr. Mahller moved with his family to Orange County.
Dr. Mahller provides patients in Orange County with a knowledgeable OB/GYN that they can trust. Because doctor-patient communication is the first step to good health, Dr. Mahller spends time with his patients to inpidualize their care plan.
Dr. Mahller provides a full range of women’s health services including pregnancy care and delivery, minimally invasive gynecologic surgery and well woman care. Dr. Mahller combines excellent surgical training and cutting edge technology to optimize patient outcomes.
Education & Training:
Medical Education - University of Cincinnati (Medical Doctor)
Internship - Cedars Sinai Medical Center (Obstetrics & Gynecology)
Residency - Cedars Sinai Medical Center (Obstetrics & Gynecology)