2020年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名完整榜单,2019年9月12日,《泰晤士报高等教育专刊》(Times Higher Education,简称THE)发布了其第13版世界大学排名(2020TIMES世界大学排名)。牛津大学打败美国各大佬坐上冠军宝座,总算捍卫住英语世界第一古老大学的荣誉称号了。剑桥大学无论在TIMES还是在QS排名中都比较低迷,竟然掉到了第四,以前都是稳居第二的。泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名与《世界大学学术排名》、《U.S.News世界大学排名(US News)》、《QS世界大学排名》为目前世界四大最具影响力的全球性大学排名。
THE世界大学排名是由英国泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education)参照汤姆森路透社(Thomson Reuters)数据库,独立设定指标排列发布的年度前500名世界大学排名榜。1971年之前,英国泰晤士高等教育增刊(Times Higher Education)是属于英国泰晤士报(The times)的一部分,2005年,英国泰晤士报(The times)老板鲁伯特·默多克将TSL Education(包括本增刊)以2.35亿英镑的价格出售给一家私募基金公司。英国泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education)是独立于英国泰晤士报(The times)的一家刊物。
《泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名》由《泰晤士高等教育》(Times Higher Education,THE)自2004年11月起每年发布,其指标体系主要涵盖学术同行评价、雇主评价、国际师资、国际学生、师生比、师均论文引用率等6大部分。该排名榜与QS世界大学排名、U.S.News世界大学排行榜,以及上海交大世界大学学术排名,被公认为最权威、最具影响力的全球性大学排名。
2019年9月10日至9月12日,英国泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education,简称THE)在瑞士召开全球高等教育峰会,并同时发布最新2020版世界大学排名。泰晤士报高等教育特刊2019年进入第16年,排名包含来自92个国家和地区,超过1300所大学。
国家/地区 | 前200名学校数 | 排名最高大学 | 对应排名 |
美国 | 60 | 加州理工学院 | 2 |
英国 | 28 | 牛津大学 | 1 |
德国 | 23 | 慕尼黑大学 | =32 |
澳大利亚 | 11 | 墨尔本大学 | =32 |
荷兰 | 11 | 瓦格宁根大学 | 59 |
加拿大 | 7 | 多伦多大学 | 18 |
中国 | 7 | 清华大学 | 23 |
瑞士 | 7 | 苏黎世联邦理工学院 | =13 |
韩国 | 6 | 首尔国立大学 | 64 |
法国 | 5 | 巴黎文理研究大学 | =45 |
中国香港 | 5 | 香港大学 | 35 |
瑞典 | 5 | 卡罗林斯卡学院 | 41 |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 国家及地区 |
1 | 1 | 牛津大学 University of Oxford | 英国 |
2 | 5 | 加州理工学院 California Institute of Technology | 美国 |
3 | 2 | 剑桥大学 University of Cambridge | 英国 |
4 | 3 | 斯坦福大学 Stanford University | 美国 |
5 | 4 | 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 美国 |
6 | 7 | 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University | 美国 |
7 | 6 | 哈佛大学 Harvard University | 美国 |
8 | 8 | 耶鲁大学 Yale University | 美国 |
9 | 10 | 芝加哥大学 University of Chicago | 美国 |
10 | 9 | 帝国理工学院 Imperial College London | 英国 |
11 | =12 | 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania | 美国 |
12 | =12 | 约翰霍普金斯大学 Johns Hopkins University | 美国 |
=13 | 15 | 加州大学伯克利分校 University of California, Berkeley | 美国 |
=13 | 11 | 苏黎世联邦理工学院 ETH Zurich | 瑞士 |
15 | 14 | 伦敦大学学院 UCL | 英国 |
16 | 16 | 哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University | 美国 |
17 | 17 | 加州大学洛杉矶分校 University of California, Los Angeles | 美国 |
18 | 21 | 多伦多大学 University of Toronto | 加拿大 |
19 | 19 | 康奈尔大学 Cornell University | 美国 |
20 | 18 | 杜克大学 Duke University | 美国 |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 国家及地区 |
21 | 20 | 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 University of Michigan | 美国 |
22 | 25 | 西北大学 Northwestern University | 美国 |
23 | 22 | 清华大学 Tsinghua University | 中国 |
24 | 31 | 北京大学 Peking University | 中国 |
25 | 23 | 新加坡国立大学 National University of Singapore | 新加坡 |
26 | 28 | 华盛顿大学 University of Washington | 美国 |
=27 | 24 | 卡耐基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University | 美国 |
=27 | 26 | 伦敦政治经济学院 London School of Economics and Political Science | 英国 |
29 | 27 | 纽约大学 New York University | 美国 |
30 | 29 | 爱丁堡大学 University of Edinburgh | 英国 |
31 | 30 | 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 University of California, San Diego | 美国 |
=32 | =32 | 慕尼黑大学 LMU Munich | 德国 |
=32 | =32 | 墨尔本大学 University of Melbourne | 澳大利亚 |
34 | 37 | 英属哥伦比亚大学 University of British Columbia | 加拿大 |
35 | 36 | 香港大学 University of Hong Kong | 中国香港 |
=36 | 38 | 伦敦国王学院 King’s College London | 英国 |
=36 | 42 | 东京大学 The University of Tokyo | 日本 |
=38 | 35 | 佐治亚理工学院 Georgia Institute of Technology | 美国 |
=38 | 34 | 得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 University of Texas at Austin | 美国 |
=38 | 39 | 洛桑联邦理工学院 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne | 瑞士 |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 国家及地区 |
41 | 40 | 卡罗林斯卡学院 Karolinska Institute | 瑞典 |
42 | =44 | 麦吉尔大学 McGill University | 加拿大 |
43 | =44 | 慕尼黑理工大学 Technical University of Munich | 德国 |
44 | 47 | 海德堡大学 Heidelberg University | 德国 |
=45 | 48 | 鲁汶大学 KU Leuven | 比利时 |
=45 | 41 | 巴黎文理研究大学 Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris | 法国 |
47 | 41 | 香港科技大学 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | 中国香港 |
=48 | 50 | 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 美国 |
=48 | 51 | 南洋理工大学 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | 新加坡 |
50 | 49 | 澳洲国立大学 Australian National University | 澳大利亚 |
51 | 43 | 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin-Madison | 美国 |
52 | 54 | 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 Washington University in St Louis | 美国 |
53 | 53 | 布朗大学 Brown University | 美国 |
54 | 56 | 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 美国 |
=55 | =59 | 加州大学戴维斯分校 University of California, Davis | 英国 |
=55 | 57 | 曼彻斯特大学 University of Manchester | 美国 |
=57 | 52 | 加州大学圣芭芭拉分校 University of California, Santa Barbara | 美国 |
=57 | 53 | 香港中文大学 Chinese University of Hong Kong | 香港 |
59 | =59 | 瓦赫宁根大学 Wageningen University & Research | 荷兰 |
60 | =59 | 悉尼大学 University of Sydney | 澳大利亚 |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 国家及地区 |
61 | =74 | 波士顿大学 Boston University | 美国 |
=62 | 62 | 阿姆斯特丹大学 University of Amsterdam | 荷兰 |
=62 | 66 | 南加州大学 University of Southern California | 美国 |
64 | 63 | 首尔国立大学 Seoul National University | 韩国 |
65 | 65 | 京都大学 Kyoto University | 日本 |
66 | 69 | 昆士兰大学 University of Queensland | 澳大利亚 |
=67 | 58 | 代尔夫特理工大学 Delft University of Technology | 荷兰 |
=67 | 68 | 莱顿大学 Leiden University | 荷兰 |
69 | 70 | 鹿特丹大学 Erasmus University Rotterdam | 荷兰 |
70 | =71 | 俄亥俄州立大学 Ohio State University | 美国 |
71 | =96 | 新南威尔士大学 UNSW Sydney | 澳大利亚 |
72 | 77 | 麦克麦斯特大学 McMaster University | 加拿大 |
73 | =79 | 格罗宁根大学 University of Groningen | 荷兰 |
74 | 67 | 柏林洪堡大学 Humboldt University of Berlin | 德国 |
=75 | =84 | 莫纳什大学 Monash University | 澳大利亚 |
=75 | =74 | 乌得勒支大学 Utrecht University | 荷兰 |
77 | =79 | 华威大学 University of Warwick | 英国 |
78 | 81 | 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Pennsylvania State University | 美国 |
79 | =71 | 明尼苏达大学 University of Minnesota | 美国 |
=80 | =90 | 柏林医科大学 Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin | 德国 |
=80 | =84 | 埃默里大学 Emory University | 美国 |
=80 | =93 | 中国科学技术大学 University of Science and Technology China | 中国 |
=80 | 73 | 索邦大学 Sorbonne University | 法国 |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 国家及地区 |
84 | =93 | 密歇根州立大学 Michigan State University | 美国 |
85 | =90 | 蒙特利尔大学 University of Montreal | 加拿大 |
86 | 76 | 弗莱堡大学 University of Freiburg | 德国 |
87 | 78 | 布里斯托大学 University of Bristol | 英国 |
88 | 64 | 普渡大学 Purdue University | 美国 |
89 | =82 | 成均馆大学 Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) | 韩国 |
90 | =90 | 苏黎世大学 University of Zurich | 瑞士 |
=91 | =82 | 马里兰大学帕克分校 University of Maryland, College Park | 美国 |
=91 | 89 | 图宾根大学 University of Tübingen | 德国 |
93 | 108 | 巴黎综合大学 école Polytechnique | 法国 |
=94 | 103 | 巴塞尔大学 Basel University | 瑞士 |
=94 | =99 | 达特茅斯学院 Dartmouth College | 美国 |
=96 | =96 | 加州大学尔湾分校 University of California, Irvine | 美国 |
=96 | =99 | 赫尔辛基大学 University of Helsinki | 芬兰 |
=96 | 98 | 隆德大学 Lund University | 瑞典 |
=99 | =93 | 格拉斯哥大学 University of Glasgow | 英国 |
=99 | =87 | 亚琛工业大学 RWTH Aachen University | 德国 |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 国家及地区 |
101 | =116 | University of Copenhagen | Denmark |
=102 | 109 | Georgetown University | United States |
=102 | =87 | Uppsala University | Sweden |
104 | =159 | University of Arizona | United States |
=105 | =110 | University of Bonn | Germany |
=105 | 86 | Rice University | United States |
=107 | 107 | University of Virginia (Main campus) | United States |
=107 | 101 | Zhejiang University | China |
109 | 104 | Fudan University | China |
=110 | 102 | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | South Korea |
=110 | 130 | Queen Mary University of London | United Kingdom |
112 | =116 | University of Birmingham | United Kingdom |
=113 | =110 | University of Bern | Switzerland |
=113 | =110 | University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus | United States |
115 | =123 | Aarhus University | Denmark |
116 | =121 | Vanderbilt University | United States |
=117 | 104 | Free University of Berlin | Germany |
=117 | 106 | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom |
119 | =132 | Case Western Reserve University | United States |
=120 | =135 | University of Adelaide | Australia |
=120 | 170 | National Taiwan University | Taiwan |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 国家及地区 |
122 | 118 | University of Southampton | United Kingdom |
123 | =143 | Ghent University | Belgium |
124 | =114 | University of Colorado Boulder | United States |
125 | =123 | University of Göttingen | Germany |
126 | =110 | City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
127 | =128 | Maastricht University | Netherlands |
=128 | =123 | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands |
=128 | 119 | University of York | United Kingdom |
130 | NR | University of Paris | France |
=131 | =121 | University of Oslo | Norway |
=131 | 134 | University of Western Australia | Australia |
133 | =114 | Durham University | United Kingdom |
=134 | =146 | Indiana University | United States |
=134 | =143 | University of Vienna | Austria |
=136 | =132 | University of Alberta | Canada |
=136 | =156 | University of Cape Town | South Africa |
138 | 166 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands |
=139 | =146 | Lancaster University | United Kingdom |
=139 | 152 | Tufts University | United States |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 国家及地区 |
=141 | =176 | University of Ottawa | Canada |
=141 | =149 | Ulm University | Germany |
143 | =135 | Pompeu Fabra University | Spain |
=144 | =135 | University of Geneva | Switzerland |
=144 | 134 | Nanjing University | China |
=146 | 141 | University of Exeter | United Kingdom |
=146 | 142 | Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) | South Korea |
=146 | =161 | University of Sussex | United Kingdom |
=149 | =135 | University of Hamburg | Germany |
=149 | =153 | Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies – Pisa | Italy |
=149 | 131 | Technical University of Berlin | Germany |
=152 | =128 | Université Catholique de Louvain | Belgium |
=152 | =149 | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom |
=152 | =161 | Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa | Italy |
=155 | =123 | Arizona State University(Tempe) | United States |
=155 | =153 | University of Leeds | United Kingdom |
=157 | 145 | Autonomous University of Barcelona | Spain |
=157 | =146 | University of Cologne | Germany |
=157 | =123 | University of Mannheim | Germany |
=157 | 173 | University of Notre Dame | United States |
=157 | 189 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | China |
=157 | 151 | TU Dresden | Germany |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 国家及地区 |
163 | =159 | University of Würzburg | Germany |
164 | 120 | Trinity College Dublin | Republic of Ireland |
165 | =181 | University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
=166 | 201–250 | Bielefeld University | Germany |
=166 | =167 | University of Leicester | United Kingdom |
=168 | 158 | University of Aberdeen | United Kingdom |
=168 | 180 | University of Bologna | Italy |
=168 | =176 | Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey | United States |
171 | 159 | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Hong Kong |
172 | 179 | University of Alabama at Birmingham | United States |
=173 | =184 | Northeastern University | United States |
=173 | =163 | University of Rochester | United States |
=175 | =156 | University of Florida | United States |
=175 | =135 | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany |
=175 | =153 | Stockholm University | Sweden |
178 | =171 | Texas A&M University | United States |
=179 | 201–250 | University of Auckland | New Zealand |
=179 | =167 | University of California, Santa Cruz | United States |
=179 | 198 | Korea University | South Korea |
=179 | 201–250 | Queensland University of Technology | Australia |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 国家及地区 |
183 | 175 | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Germany |
=184 | =181 | Aalto University | Finland |
=184 | =163 | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
=186 | =167 | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
=186 | 201–250 | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
188 | NR | Télécom Paris | France |
=189 | =199 | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russian Federation |
=189 | =184 | University of Münster | Germany |
=189 | 201–250 | Tel Aviv University | Israel |
192 | =190 | University of East Anglia | United Kingdom |
193 | 251–300 | University of Canberra | Australia |
=194 | =190 | University of Duisburg-Essen | Germany |
=194 | 196 | University of Technology Sydney | Australia |
=194 | 201–250 | University of the Witwatersrand | South Africa |
197 | 201–250 | Yonsei University (Seoul campus) | South Korea |
=198 | 201–250 | University of Antwerp | Belgium |
=198 | =187 | Cardiff University | United Kingdom |
=198 | =181 | George Washington University | United States |
=198 | =176 | University of Lausanne | Switzerland |
=198 | 165 | University of St Andrews | United Kingdom |
2020排名 | 2019排名 | 学校 | 得分 |
23 | 22 | 清华大学 | |
24 | 31 | 北京大学 | |
35 | 36 | 香港大学 | 75.9 |
47 | 41 | 香港科技大学 | 73.1 |
=57 | 53 | 香港中文大学 | 69.6 |
=80 | =93 | 中国科学技术大学 | |
=107 | 101 | 浙江大学 | |
109 | 104 | 复旦大学 | |
=120 | 170 | 台湾大学 | 59.9 |
126 | =110 | 香港城市大学 | 59.3 |
中国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 |
1 | 23 | 清华大学 |
2 | 24 | 北京大学 |
3 | =80 | 中国科学技术大学 |
4 | =107 | 浙江大学 |
5 | 109 | 复旦大学 |
6 | =144 | 南京大学 |
7 | =157 | 上海交通大学 |
8 | 251-300 | 中山大学 |
9-11 | 301-350 | 北京师范大学 |
9-11 | 301-350 | 华中科技大学 |
9-11 | 301-350 | 南方科技大学 |
12-13 | 351-400 | 南开大学 |
12-13 | 351-400 | 武汉大学 |
14-17 | 401-500 | 中南大学 |
14-17 | 401-500 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
14-17 | 401-500 | 湖南大学 |
14-17 | 401-500 | 同济大学 |
18-27 | 501-600 | 北京航空航天大学 |
18-27 | 501-600 | 华东师范大学 |
18-27 | 501-600 | 中国人民大学 |
18-27 | 501-600 | 深圳大学 |
18-27 | 501-600 | 苏州大学 |
18-27 | 501-600 | 华南理工大学 |
18-27 | 501-600 | 东南大学 |
18-27 | 501-600 | 天津大学 |
18-27 | 501-600 | 厦门大学 |
18-27 | 501-600 | 西安交通大学 |
中国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 北京理工大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 中国农业大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 中国石油大学(北京) |
28-42 | 601-800 | 大连理工大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 华东理工大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 电子科技大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 华中农业大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 对外经贸大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 江苏师范大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 南京信息工程大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 南京医科大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 南京师范大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 西北工业大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 山东大学 |
28-42 | 601-800 | 四川大学 |
香港排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 得分 |
1 | 35 | 香港大学 | 75.9 |
2 | 47 | 香港科技大学 | 73.1 |
3 | 57 | 香港中文大学 | 69.6 |
4 | 126 | 香港城市大学 | 59.3 |
5 | 171 | 香港理工大学 | 55.9 |
6 | 401-50 | 香港浸会大学 | 38.8-42.3 |
澳门排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 得分 |
1 | 251-300 | 澳门科技大学 | 46.9-50.0 |
2 | 301-350 | 澳门大学 | 44.5-46.8 |
台湾排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 得分 |
1 | 120 | 国立台湾大学 | 59.9 |
2 | 351-400 | 国立清华大学 | 42.4-44.4 |
3 | 351-400 | 台北医科大学 | 42.4-44.4 |
4 | 501-600 | 中国医科大学(台湾) | 35.3-38.7 |
5 | 501-600 | 国立交通大学 | 35.3-38.7 |
6 | 501-600 | 国立台湾科技大学 | 35.3-38.7 |
7 | 501-600 | 国立阳明大学 | 35.3-38.7 |
8 | 601-800 | 国立成功大学 | 28.3-35.2 |
9 | 601-800 | 国立台湾师范大学 | 28.3-35.2 |
10 | 801-1000 | 台湾亚洲大学 | 22.2-28.2 |
11 | 801-1000 | 长庚大学 | 22.2-28.2 |
12 | 801-1000 | 辅仁天主教大学 | 22.2-28.2 |
13 | 801-1000 | 高雄医科大学 | 22.2-28.2 |
14 | 801-1000 | 国立中央大学 | 22.2-28.2 |
15 | 801-1000 | 国立政治大学 | 22.2-28.2 |
16 | 801-1000 | 国立东华大学 | 22.2-28.2 |
17 | 801-1000 | 国立中山大学 | 22.2-28.2 |
18 | 801-1000 | 国立台北科技大学 | 22.2-28.2 |
19 | 1000+ | 朝阳科技大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
20 | 1000+ | 中原大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
21 | 1000+ | 逢甲大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
22 | 1000+ | 义守大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
23 | 1000+ | 明川大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
24 | 1000+ | 国立彰化师范大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
25 | 1000+ | 国立嘉义大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
26 | 1000+ | 国立中国工业大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
27 | 1000+ | 国立中正大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
30 | 1000+ | 国立中兴大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
31 | 1000+ | 高雄国立大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
32 | 1000+ | 国立台北大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
33 | 1000+ | 国立台湾海洋大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
34 | 1000+ | 国立云林科技大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
35 | 1000+ | 淡江大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
36 | 1000+ | 东海大学大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
37 | 1000+ | 慈济大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
38 | 1000+ | 元泽大学 | 10.7-22.1 |
美国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
1 | 2 | California Institute of Technology | California |
2 | 4 | Stanford University | California |
3 | 5 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Massachusetts |
4 | 6 | Princeton University | New Jersey |
5 | 7 | Harvard University | Massachusetts |
6 | 8 | Yale University | Connecticut |
7 | 9 | University of Chicago | Illinois |
8 | 11 | University of Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
9 | 12 | Johns Hopkins University | Maryland |
10 | =13 | University of California, Berkeley | California |
11 | 16 | Columbia University | New York |
12 | 17 | University of California, Los Angeles | California |
13 | 19 | Cornell University | New York |
14 | 20 | Duke University | North Carolina |
15 | 21 | University of Michigan-Ann Arbor | Michigan |
16 | 22 | Northwestern University | Illinois |
17 | 26 | University of Washington | Washington |
18 | =27 | Carnegie Mellon University | Pennsylvania |
19 | 29 | New York University | New York |
20 | 31 | University of California, San Diego | California |
英国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
=21 | =38 | Georgia Institute of Technology | Georgia |
=21 | =38 | University of Texas at Austin | Texas |
23 | =48 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Illinois |
24 | 51 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Wisconsin |
25 | 52 | Washington University in St Louis | Missouri |
26 | 53 | Brown University | Rhode Island |
27 | 54 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | North Carolina |
28 | =55 | University of California, Davis | California |
29 | =57 | University of California, Santa Barbara | California |
30 | 61 | Boston University | Massachusetts |
31 | =62 | University of Southern California | California |
32 | 70 | Ohio State University (Main campus) | Ohio |
33 | 78 | Penn State (Main campus) | Pennsylvania |
34 | 79 | University of Minnesota | Minnesota |
35 | =80 | Emory University | Georgia |
36 | 84 | Michigan State University | Michigan |
37 | 88 | Purdue University West Lafayette | Indiana |
38 | =91 | University of Maryland, College Park | Maryland |
39 | =94 | Dartmouth College | New Hampshire |
40 | =96 | University of California, Irvine | California |
英国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
41 | =102 | Georgetown University | Washington D.C |
42 | 104 | University of Arizona | Arizona |
43 | =105 | Rice University | Texas |
44 | =107 | University of Virginia (Main campus) | Virginia |
45 | =113 | University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus | Pennsylvania |
46 | 116 | Vanderbilt University | Tennessee |
47 | 119 | Case Western Reserve University | Ohio |
48 | 124 | University of Colorado Boulder | Colorado |
49 | =134 | Indiana University | Indiana |
50 | =139 | Tufts University | Massachusetts |
51 | =155 | Arizona State University | Arizona |
52 | =157 | University of Notre Dame | Indiana |
53 | =168 | Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey | New Jersey |
54 | 172 | University of Alabama at Birmingham | Alabama |
=55 | =173 | Northeastern University | Massachusetts |
=55 | =173 | University of Rochester | New York |
57 | =175 | University of Florida | Florida |
58 | 178 | Texas A&M University | Texas |
59 | =179 | University of California, Santa Cruz | California |
60 | =198 | George Washington University | Washington D.C |
英国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
=61 | 201–250 | Brandeis University | Massachusetts |
=61 | 201–250 | University of Hawai’i at Mānoa | Hawai'i |
=61 | 201–250 | Howard University | Washington D.C |
=61 | 201–250 | University of Iowa | Iowa |
=61 | 201–250 | University of Massachusetts | Massachusetts |
=61 | 201–250 | University of Miami | Florida |
=61 | 201–250 | University of South Florida (Tampa) | Florida |
=61 | 201–250 | University of Utah | Utah |
=61 | 201–250 | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | Virginia |
=61 | 201–250 | Wake Forest University | North Carolina |
=61 | 201–250 | William & Mary | Virginia |
=72 | 251–300 | University at Buffalo | New York |
=72 | 251–300 | University of California, Riverside | California |
=72 | 251–300 | University of Cincinnati | Ohio |
=72 | 251–300 | University of Delaware | Delaware |
=72 | 251–300 | Florida State University | Florida |
=72 | 251–300 | George Mason University | Virginia |
=72 | 251–300 | University of Illinois at Chicago | Illinois |
=72 | 251–300 | University of Oregon | Oregon |
=72 | 251–300 | Oregon Health and Science University | Oregon |
=72 | 251–300 | Syracuse University | New York |
=82 | 301–350 | Boston College | Massachusetts |
=82 | 301–350 | Colorado School of Mines | Colorado |
=82 | 301–350 | University of New Mexico (Main campus) | New Mexico |
=82 | 301–350 | North Carolina State University | North Carolina |
=82 | 301–350 | Nova Southeastern University | Florida |
=82 | 301–350 | Rush University | Illinois |
=82 | 301–350 | Stony Brook University | New York |
=82 | 301–350 | Temple University | Pennsylvania |
=82 | 301–350 | The University of Tennessee-Knoxville | Texas |
=82 | 301–350 | University of Texas at Dallas | Texas |
=82 | 301–350 | Tulane University | Louisiana |
英国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
=93 | 351–400 | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Alaska |
=93 | 351–400 | University of California, Merced | California |
=93 | 351–400 | Clark University | Massachusetts |
=93 | 351–400 | University of Connecticut | Connecticut |
=93 | 351–400 | University of Denver | Colorado |
=93 | 351–400 | Hofstra University | New York |
=93 | 351–400 | Iowa State University | Iowa |
=93 | 351–400 | Oregon State University | Oregon |
=93 | 351–400 | State University of New York Albany | New York |
=93 | 351–400 | Washington State University | Washington |
=93 | 351–400 | Wayne State University | Michigan |
=104 | 401–500 | University of Alabama | Alabama |
=104 | 401–500 | American University | Washington D.C |
=104 | 401–500 | Colorado State University, Fort Collins | Colorado |
=104 | 401–500 | Drexel University | Pennsylvania |
=104 | 401–500 | University of Georgia | Georgia |
=104 | 401–500 | Georgia State University | Georgia |
=104 | 401–500 | University of Houston | Texas |
=104 | 401–500 | University of Kansas | Kansas |
=104 | 401–500 | University of Kentucky | Kentucky |
=104 | 401–500 | University of Missouri-Columbia | Missouri |
=104 | 401–500 | University of Missouri-St Louis | Missouri |
=104 | 401–500 | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Nebraska |
=104 | 401–500 | New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | New Mexico |
=104 | 401–500 | Oklahoma State University | Oklahoma |
=104 | 401–500 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | New York |
=104 | 401–500 | University of South Carolina-Columbia | South Carolina |
=104 | 401–500 | University of Texas at San Antonio | Texas |
=104 | 401–500 | University of Tulsa | Oklahoma |
英国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
=122 | 501–600 | University of Alabama in Huntsville | Alabama |
=122 | 501–600 | Binghamton University, State University of New York | New York |
=122 | 501–600 | Florida International University | Florida |
=122 | 501–600 | University of Idaho | Idaho |
=122 | 501–600 | Louisiana State University | Louisiana |
=122 | 501–600 | Missouri University of Science and Technology | Missouri |
=122 | 501–600 | University of Nebraska Medical Center | Nebraska |
=122 | 501–600 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | New Jersey |
=122 | 501–600 | Northern Arizona University | Arizona |
=122 | 501–600 | University of Rhode Island | Rhode Island |
=122 | 501–600 | San Diego State University | California |
=122 | 501–600 | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | Wisconsin |
=134 | 601–800 | University of Arkansas | Arkansas |
=134 | 601–800 | Auburn University | Alabama |
=134 | 601–800 | Baylor University | Texas |
=134 | 601–800 | University of Central Florida | Florida |
=134 | 601–800 | Clemson University | South Carolina |
=134 | 601–800 | Creighton University | Nebraska |
=134 | 601–800 | Kansas State University | Kansas |
=134 | 601–800 | Kent State University | Ohio |
=134 | 601–800 | Lehigh University | Pennsylvania |
=134 | 601–800 | University of Maryland, Baltimore County | Maryland |
=134 | 601–800 | Montana State University | Montana |
=134 | 601–800 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Nevada |
=134 | 601–800 | New Mexico State University (Main campus) | New Mexico |
=134 | 601–800 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro | North Carolina |
=134 | 601–800 | Ohio University (Main campus) | Ohio |
=134 | 601–800 | Old Dominion University | Virginia |
=134 | 601–800 | Portland State University | Oregon |
=134 | 601–800 | University of South Dakota | South Dakota |
=134 | 601–800 | Stevens Institute of Technology | New Jersey |
=134 | 601–800 | University of Texas at Arlington | Texas |
=134 | 601–800 | Texas Tech University | Texas |
=134 | 601–800 | University of Toledo | Ohio |
=134 | 601–800 | Western Washington University | Washington |
=134 | 601–800 | West Virginia University | West Virginia |
=134 | 601–800 | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | Massachusetts |
英国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
=159 | 801–1000 | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | Florida |
=159 | 801–1000 | Florida Atlantic University | Florida |
=159 | 801–1000 | Florida Institute of Technology | Florida |
=159 | 801–1000 | Louisiana Tech University | Louisiana |
=159 | 801–1000 | Marquette University | Wisconsin |
=159 | 801–1000 | Mississippi State University | Mississippi |
=159 | 801–1000 | The New School | New York |
=159 | 801–1000 | Rochester Institute of Technology | New York |
=159 | 801–1000 | University of Texas at El Paso | Texas |
=168 | 1001+ | California State University, Long Beach | California |
=168 | 1001+ | University of North Carolina Wilmington | North Carolina |
=168 | 1001+ | University of North Florida | Florida |
=168 | 1001+ | Oakland University | Michigan |
=168 | 1001+ | Texas State University | Texas |
英国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
1 | 1 | University of Oxford | Oxford |
2 | 3 | University of Cambridge | Cambridge |
3 | 10 | Imperial College London | London |
4 | 15 | UCL | London |
5 | =27 | London School of Economics and Political Science | London |
6 | 30 | University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh |
7 | =36 | King’s College London | London |
8 | =55 | University of Manchester | Manchester |
9 | 77 | University of Warwick | Warwick |
10 | 87 | University of Bristol | Bristol |
11 | =99 | University of Glasgow | Glasgow |
12 | =110 | Queen Mary University of London | London |
13 | 112 | University of Birmingham | Birmingham |
14 | =117 | University of Sheffield | Sheffield |
15 | 122 | University of Southampton | Southampton |
16 | =128 | University of York | York |
17 | 133 | Durham University | Durham |
18 | =139 | Lancaster University | Lancaster |
=19 | =146 | University of Exeter | Exeter |
=19 | =146 | University of Sussex | Sussex |
英国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
21 | =152 | University of Nottingham | Nottingham |
22 | =155 | University of Leeds | Leeds |
23 | 165 | University of Liverpool | Liverpool |
24 | =166 | University of Leicester | Leicester |
25 | =168 | University of Aberdeen | Aberdeen |
26 | 192 | University of East Anglia | Norwich |
=27 | =198 | Cardiff University | Cardiff |
=27 | =198 | University of St Andrews | St Andrews |
=29 | 201–250 | University of Dundee | Dundee |
=29 | 201–250 | Newcastle University | Newcastle |
=29 | 201–250 | Queen’s University Belfast | Belfast |
=29 | 201–250 | University of Reading | Reading |
=29 | 201–250 | St George’s, University of London | London |
=34 | 251–300 | University of Bath | Bath |
=34 | 251–300 | Brighton and Sussex Medical School | Brighton |
=34 | 251–300 | University of Essex | Essex |
=34 | 251–300 | Heriot-Watt University | Edinburgh |
=34 | 251–300 | Royal Holloway, University of London | London |
=34 | 251–300 | University of Surrey | Guildford |
=34 | 251–300 | Swansea University | Swansea |
英国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
41 | 301–350 | Anglia Ruskin University | East Anglia |
=42 | 351–400 | Birkbeck, University of London | London |
=42 | 351–400 | Brunel University London | London |
=42 | 351–400 | Goldsmiths, University of London | London |
=42 | 351–400 | University of Kent | Kent |
=42 | 351–400 | Loughborough University | Loughborough |
=42 | 351–400 | Northumbria University | Newcastle Upon Tyne |
=42 | 351–400 | University of Stirling | Stirling |
=49 | 401–500 | Aberystwyth University | Aberystwyth |
=49 | 401–500 | Bangor University | Bangor |
=49 | 401–500 | Bournemouth University | Bournemouth |
=49 | 401–500 | City, University of London | London |
=49 | 401–500 | Liverpool John Moores University | Liverpool |
=49 | 401–500 | Middlesex University | London |
=49 | 401–500 | University of Portsmouth | Portsmouth |
=49 | 401–500 | Royal Veterinary College | London |
=49 | 401–500 | SOAS University of London | London |
=49 | 401–500 | University of Strathclyde | Strathclyde |
=59 | 501–600 | Aston University | Birmingham |
=59 | 501–600 | University of Hull | Hull |
=59 | 501–600 | Keele University | Keele |
=59 | 501–600 | The Open University | UK-wide |
=59 | 501–600 | University of Plymouth | Plymouth |
=59 | 501–600 | University of the West of Scotland | Paisley |
英国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
=65 | 601–800 | University of Brighton | Brighton |
=65 | 601–800 | Coventry University | Coventry |
=65 | 601–800 | De Montfort University | Leicester |
=65 | 601–800 | Glasgow Caledonian University | Glasgow |
=65 | 601–800 | University of Greenwich | Greenwich |
=65 | 601–800 | University of Hertfordshire | Hatfield |
=65 | 601–800 | University of Huddersfield | Huddersfield |
=65 | 601–800 | University of Lincoln | Lincoln |
=65 | 601–800 | Manchester Metropolitan University | Manchester |
=65 | 601–800 | Nottingham Trent University | Nottingham |
=65 | 601–800 | Oxford Brookes University | Oxford |
=65 | 601–800 | Ulster University | Ulster |
=65 | 601–800 | University of the West of England | Bristol |
=65 | 601–800 | University of Westminster | London |
=79 | 801–1000 | University of Bedfordshire | Luton |
=79 | 801–1000 | Birmingham City University | Birmingham |
=79 | 801–1000 | University of Bradford | Bradford |
=79 | 801–1000 | Cardiff Metropolitan University | Cardiff |
=79 | 801–1000 | University of Central Lancashire | Preston |
=79 | 801–1000 | University of Derby | Derby |
=79 | 801–1000 | University of East London | London |
=79 | 801–1000 | Edinburgh Napier University | Edinburgh |
=79 | 801–1000 | Kingston University | London |
=79 | 801–1000 | Leeds Beckett University | Leeds |
=79 | 801–1000 | University of Roehampton | London |
=79 | 801–1000 | University of Salford | Salford |
=79 | 801–1000 | Sheffield Hallam University | Sheffield |
=79 | 801–1000 | Staffordshire University | Stoke-on-Trent |
=79 | 801–1000 | Teesside University | Teesside |
=79 | 801–1000 | University of Wolverhampton | Wolverhampton |
=95 | 1001+ | Canterbury Christ Church University | Canterbury |
=95 | 1001+ | University of Chester | Chester |
=95 | 1001+ | Edge Hill University | Ormskirk |
=95 | 1001+ | London South Bank University | London |
=95 | 1001+ | Robert Gordon University | Aberdeen |
=95 | 1001+ | University of South Wales | Pontypridd |
德国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
1 | =32 | LMU Munich | Munich |
2 | 43 | Technical University of Munich | Munich |
3 | 44 | Heidelberg University | Heidelburg |
4 | 74 | Humboldt University of Berlin | Berlin |
5 | =80 | Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Berlin |
6 | 86 | University of Freiburg | Freiburg |
7 | =91 | University of Tübingen | Tübingen |
8 | =99 | RWTH Aachen University | Aachen |
9 | =105 | University of Bonn | Bonn |
10 | =117 | Free University of Berlin | Berlin |
11 | 125 | University of Göttingen | Göttingen |
12 | =141 | Ulm University | Ulm |
=13 | =149 | University of Hamburg | Hamburg |
=13 | =149 | Technical University of Berlin | Berlin |
=15 | =157 | University of Cologne | Cologne |
=15 | =157 | University of Mannheim | Mannheim |
=15 | =157 | TU Dresden | Dresden |
18 | 163 | University of Würzburg | Würzburg |
19 | =166 | Bielefeld University | Bielefield |
20 | =175 | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Karlsruhe |
21 | 183 | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Erlangen and Nuremburg |
22 | =189 | University of Münster | Münster |
23 | =194 | University of Duisburg-Essen | Duiseberg and Essen |
=24 | 201–250 | University of Hohenheim | Hohenheim |
德国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
=24 | 201–250 | University of Konstanz | Kostanz |
=26 | 251–300 | University of Kiel | Kiel |
=26 | 251–300 | University of Passau | Passau |
=26 | 251–300 | University of Potsdam | Potsdam |
=26 | 251–300 | Ruhr University Bochum | Bochum |
=26 | 251–300 | University of Stuttgart | Stuttgart |
=26 | 251–300 | Technical University of Darmstadt | Darmstadt |
=32 | 301–350 | Goethe University Frankfurt | Frankfurt |
=32 | 301–350 | Jacobs University | Bremen |
=32 | 301–350 | Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz | Mainz |
=32 | 301–350 | University of Marburg | Marburg |
=36 | 351–400 | University of Bayreuth | Bayreuth |
=36 | 351–400 | University of Bremen | Bremen |
=36 | 351–400 | Justus Liebig University Giessen | Giessen |
=36 | 351–400 | TU Dortmund University | Dortmund |
40 | 401–500 | Leibniz University Hanover | Hanover |
=41 | 501–600 | University of Greifswald | Greifswald |
=41 | 501–600 | Hamburg University of Technology | Hamburg |
=41 | 501–600 | University of Siegen | Siegen |
=41 | 501–600 | University of Wuppertal | Wuppertal |
=45 | 601–800 | Chemnitz University of Technology | Chemnitz |
=45 | 601–800 | University of Kaiserslautern | Kaiserslautern |
=45 | 601–800 | TU Braunschweig | Braunschweig |
48 | 801–1000 | Ilmenau University of Technology | Ilmenau |
加拿大排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
2 | 34 | University of British Columbia | British Columbia |
3 | 42 | McGill University | Quebec |
4 | 72 | McMaster University | Ontario |
5 | 85 | University of Montreal | Quebec |
6 | =136 | University of Alberta | Alberta |
7 | =141 | University of Ottawa | Ontario |
=8 | 201–250 | University of Calgary | Alberta |
=8 | 201–250 | University of Waterloo | Ontario |
=8 | 201–250 | Western University | Ontario |
=11 | 251–300 | Dalhousie University | Nova Scotia |
=11 | 251–300 | Laval University | Quebec |
=11 | 251–300 | Queen’s University | Ontario |
=11 | 251–300 | Simon Fraser University | British Columbia |
15 | 351–400 | University of Manitoba | Manitoba |
=16 | 401–500 | University of Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan |
=16 | 401–500 | University of Victoria | British Columbia |
=16 | 401–500 | York University | Ontario |
=16 | 501–600 | Carleton University | Ontario |
=16 | 501–600 | University of Guelph | Ontario |
=16 | 501–600 | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Newfoundland and Labrador |
加拿大排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
=22 | 601–800 | Concordia University | Quebec |
=22 | 601–800 | Lakehead University | Ontario |
=22 | 601–800 | Université du Québec | Quebec |
=22 | 601–800 | University of Regina | Saskatchewan |
=22 | 601–800 | Ryerson University | Ontario |
=22 | 601–800 | Université de Sherbrooke | Quebec |
=22 | 601–800 | University of Windsor | Ontario |
29 | 801–1000 | University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) | British Columbia |
30 | 1001+ | University of Lethbridge | Alberta |
法国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
1 | =45 | Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris | Paris |
2 | =80 | Sorbonne University | Paris |
3 | 93 | école Polytechnique | Paris |
4 | 130 | University of Paris | Paris |
5 | 188 | Télécom Paris | Paris |
=6 | 201–250 | école Normale Supérieure de Lyon | Lyon |
=6 | 201–250 | Paris-Sud University | Paris |
8 | 251–300 | école des Ponts ParisTech | Paris |
=9 | 301–350 | Aix-Marseille University | Marseilles |
=9 | 301–350 | Grenoble Alpes University | Grenoble |
=9 | 301–350 | Montpellier University | Montpellier |
=12 | 351–400 | IMT Atlantique | Brest |
=12 | 351–400 | Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines | Versailles |
=14 | 401–500 | University of Bordeaux | Bordeaux |
=14 | 401–500 | Centrale Nantes | Nantes |
=14 | 401–500 | University of Côte d’Azur | Nice |
=14 | 401–500 | école des Mines de Saint-étienne | Saint-étienne |
=14 | 401–500 | Federal University of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées | Toulouse |
=14 | 401–500 | Sciences Po | Paris |
=14 | 401–500 | University of Strasbourg | Strasbourg |
法国排名 | 世界排名 | 学校 | 所在地 |
=21 | 501–600 | Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC) | Besançon |
=21 | 501–600 | CentraleSupélec | Various |
=21 | 501–600 | Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 | Lyon |
=24 | 601–800 | University of Clermont Auvergne | Clermont-Ferrand |
=24 | 601–800 | école Centrale de Lyon | Lyon |
=24 | 601–800 | école Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay | Cachan |
=24 | 601–800 | University of Lille | Lille |
=24 | 601–800 | University of Lorraine | Nancy |
=24 | 601–800 | Lumière University, Lyon 2 | Lyon |
=24 | 601–800 | University of Nantes | Nantes |
=24 | 601–800 | National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon (INSA Lyon) | Lyon |
=24 | 601–800 | Panthéon-Sorbonne University – Paris 1 | Paris |
=24 | 601–800 | University of Rennes 1 | Rennes |
=24 | 601–800 | University of Technology of Compiègne | Compiègne |
=24 | 601–800 | University of Tours | Tours |
36 | 801–1000 | Normandy University | Normandy |
=37 | 1001+ | University of Cergy-Pontoise | Cergy-Pontoise |
=37 | 1001+ | Paris Nanterre University | Nanterre |
教学(学习环境) :30%
研究(论文发表数量、收入和声誉) :30%